Walter Benjamin
It is the task of the translator to release in his own language that pure language that is under the spell of another, to liberate the language imprisoned in a work in his re-creation of that work. ~ Walter Benjamin, … Read More
It is the task of the translator to release in his own language that pure language that is under the spell of another, to liberate the language imprisoned in a work in his re-creation of that work. ~ Walter Benjamin, … Read More
“Translation is entirely mysterious. Increasingly I have felt that the art of writing is itself translating, or more like translating than it is like anything else. What is the other text, the original? I have no answer. I suppose it … Read More
I do not hesitate to read … all good books in translations. What is really best in any book is translatable—any real insight or broad human sentiment. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Nu ezit să citesc.. traducerile tuturor cărţilor bune. Ceea … Read More
The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. ~ Mark Twain
“Translation is the paradigm, the exemplar of all writing…. It is translation that demonstrates most vividly the yearning for transformation that underlies every act involving speech, that supremely human gift.” ~ Harry Mathews “Traducerea este paradigma, modelul tuturor scrierilor …. … Read More
No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it … Read More
“Humour is the first of the gifts to perish in a foreign tongue.” ~ Virginia Woolf “Umorul este primul lucru care dispare într-o altă limbă.” ~ Virginia Woolf
“A great age of literature is perhaps always a great age of translations.” ~ Ezra Pound “O mare epocă pentru literatură este probabil întotdeauna o mare epocă pentru traduceri” ~ Ezra Pound
“Where words can be translated into equivalent words, the style of an original can be closely followed; but no translation which aims at being written in normal English can reproduce the style of Aristotle.” ~ Gilbert Murray “În cazul în … Read More
What makes literature interesting is that it does not survive its translation. The characters in a novel are made out of the sentences. That’s what their substance is. ~ Jonathan Miller Ceea ce face literatura interesantă este că ea nu … Read More
What is lost in the good or excellent translation is precisely the best. ~ Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel Ce se pierde într-o traducere bună sau chiar excelentă, este cu siguranţă tot ce e mai bun. ~ Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel