Games of skill or games of chance? And why is the difference such a big deal?


How much is success in a certain game dictated by skill and how much by chance? It sounds like the kind of debate that would rage between game theory undergraduates and statisticians over long evenings, but surely it is not … Read More

Probability in games of chance


One of the player’s goal is to find an optimal method to win the game. We say that the players play a martingale. It should not be confused with the martingale probability which is a stochastic process such that its … Read More

Main types of games of chance


The games that will appeal to any choice of the players are called games of pure chance. Many of these games (battle, board game, etc.) are children’s games since you have to know the rules and each player has the … Read More

Gambling and chance


A game of chance is a game whose outcomes are partly or wholly subject to chance. It may be from a drawing or a distribution of cards, a die roll, etc. When the game is totally subject to chance, we … Read More