The Science of Climate Change


Sfetcu, Nicolae (2023), The Science of Climate Change, MultiMedia, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25387.62247,   Abstract Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing our planet today. Climate change science is a multidisciplinary field that studies the long-term patterns and … Read More

Global warming and gender equality are the priorities of Ursula von der Leyen


Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen (born Albrecht, on October 8, 1958) is a German politician and elected president of the European Commission. She was Germany’s Defense Minister from 2013 to 2019. Member of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU), she … Read More

Responses from states, communities, businesses, citizens in the face of the climate threat


(Thermal power station and wind turbines, Peine, Lower Saxony, Germany.) The reality of risk and the phenomenon is now almost consensus. The author of the Stern report, Nicholas Stern, in 2006, himself admitted to having underestimated the scale of the … Read More

Consequences of global warming in economy, health and geopolitics


Access to the Arctic Ocean A decrease in Arctic polar ice has opened up new trade routes for ships, and would make undersea resources of oil or raw materials accessible, but with adverse consequences for many species, such as plankton … Read More

Consequences of global warming on man and the biosphere


Beyond the direct physical and climatic consequences of global warming, it will affect ecosystems, especially by modifying biodiversity. Scientists are beginning to propose relatively reliable projections of the future of biodiversity based on 5 determinants: habitat degradation and destruction, climate … Read More

Environmental consequences of global warming (2)


Decline of ocean biomass The phytoplankton mass has declined by 1% per year for forty years. The oceanic dead zones, deficient in dissolved oxygen produced by these unicellular organisms, spread at a rate of 8% per year: the United Nations … Read More

Expected environmental consequences of global warming (1)


Models used to predict future global warming can also be used to simulate the consequences of this warming on other physical parameters of the Earth, such as ice caps, precipitation, or sea levels. In this area, a number of consequences … Read More

Climate projections – Climate models for global warming


In the fifth IPCC report, a climate projection is defined as the climate response to a greenhouse gas and aerosol concentration emission scenario. These projections are simulations obtained from numerical models. They depend heavily on the scenario of gas emission … Read More

Most likely cause for global warming


(The Earth Simulator supercomputer helped study the origin of global warming. ) According to the findings of the 2001 IPCC scientists’ report, the most likely cause of this warming in the second half of the twentieth century would be “anthropogenic … Read More

Global warming: Hypothesis of an additional greenhouse effect


(Temperature variation, solar activity and CO2 concentration. ) The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon: part of the infrared radiation emitted by the Earth to the Earth’s atmosphere remains trapped by the so-called “greenhouse gases”, thus increasing the temperature of … Read More

Past evolution of global temperatures and consequences


(For 400,000 years, the Earth has experienced four cycles of glaciation. ) Climatic cycles The climate variations are correlated with those of insolation, Milanković parameters, albedo, solar cycles and atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and aerosols. … Read More

Effects of global warming on weather and oceans


Tropical cyclones (Evolution of tropical storms (in blue), hurricanes (in green) and major hurricanes (category 3) (in red), in the North Atlantic.) The scientific consensus in the 2007 IPCC report is that the intensity of tropical cyclones is likely to … Read More

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