Criticisms of utilitarianism


Criticisms of utilitarianism come from different authors, from various currents of anti-utilitarian thought as well as from various social movements such as environmental movements and alter-globalist movements. Indifference to inequality In its cardinal versions, total or average utilitarianism, utilitarianism does … Read More

Happiness for Blaise Pascal and Spinoza


Blaise Pascal (17th century) “All men seek to be happy. This is without exception, a few different ways they use it. (…) This is the reason for all the actions of all men. And yet, for so many years, no … Read More

Happiness for Epicurus


Happiness is a durable state of fullness, satisfaction or serenity, a pleasant and balanced state of mind and body, from which suffering, stress, worry and trouble are absent. Happiness is not only a passing state of pleasure, of joy, it … Read More