A Scientifically Acceptable Mechanism for the Reincarnation Process of the Self


We propose a novel paradigmatic approach to sentient reality as a whole, with specific application to Information-guided DNA dynamics, leading to a triadic genomic configuration , which accommodates besides the parental hereditar legacy, a transcendental originating highly complex guiding matrix … Read More

Psychology, Duality and Heterotopy in The Adventures of Pinocchio


Panteli highlights the psychological aspects of Collodi’s book appealing to Freudian psychoanalysis in literary theory and the use of a model of Freud’s definition of the human psyche. The Adventures of Pinocchio can also be approached through the prism of the philosophy of mind, of the essential questions in this field. In the book, within the limits of the heterotopic experience, several theoretical and ontological questions are explored through an examination of the psychological, emotional and spiritual requirements on the individuals in this space.

Free will in philosophy of science


The two scientific disciplines that seem most likely to be able to bring elements to the question of free will are physics (which studies the laws of nature) and neurosciences (which studies the functioning of the nervous system and therefore … Read More

Verbal behaviorism. Criticisms of behaviorism.


Verbal behaviorism In 1957, Skinner published Verbal Behavior, in which he analyzed language as behavior. According to him, this obeys the same rules as other behaviors but differs in that it cannot be reinforced by the physical environment, but only … Read More

Typology of dualisms in philosophy


Ontological dualisms Ontological dualism consists of the affirmation of the dual character of existence in relation to spirit and matter, and can be divided into three categories: Substance dualism posits that mind and matter are fundamentally distinct types of substance. … Read More

Mind-body problem


The mind-body problem is a philosophical questioning of the type of relationship the mind has with the body, especially with the brain. Although this problem may have already arisen since the first developments of philosophy, in Plato in particular, and … Read More

Thought experiments: Split brain


Since David Wiggins and his article of 1967, the reflection on personal identity, one of the most difficult and disturbing in the philosophy of mind, has often relied on the “argument from fission” to challenge our most ingrained beliefs about … Read More

Thought experiments: “p-zombie”


(Zombies as portrayed in the movie Night of the Living Dead, direction and cinematography by George A. Romero) In philosophy of the mind, a “zombie” (philosophical zombie or p-zombie) designates a being physically and externally indistinguishable from a conscious being, … Read More

Thought experiments: Chinese room


(According to its author, the Turing test authorized the attribution of a form of mind to certain artificial systems based on a principle of indiscernibility of responses.) The Chinese room is a thought experiment presented by John Searle in a … Read More

China brain thought experiment


(In Ned Block’s thought experiment, each member of the Chinese population performs the same functions as a neuron in the brain. he population of China is 1.4×109 people, while a human brain is estimated to have ≈1011 neurons. ) The … Read More

Functionalism in the philosophy of mind


Computational approach It was to avoid the difficulties of the theory of mind-brain identity that Hilary Putnam and Jerry Fodor proposed and developed, in the 1960s and 1970s, the computational theory of mind (or “computationalism”), to a time when computing … Read More

Materialism in philosophy of mind


Identity theory In the context of the philosophy of mind, psychophysical identity designates the assumed logical equivalence between expressions or descriptions pertaining to the vocabulary of psychology and concepts pertaining to the vocabulary of the physical and natural sciences. In … Read More

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