The singularities as ontological limits of the general relativity


The singularities from the general relativity resulting by solving Einstein’s equations were and still are the subject of many scientific debates: Are there singularities in spacetime, or not? Big Bang was an initial singularity? If singularities exist, what is their … Read More

Different ontologies


The Age of “Worldviews” In the 1920s and 1930s a theme dominated, in Germany as in France, orchestrated by Karl Jaspers Psychologie der Weltanschuungen, the intellectual scene: that of the “Vision of the world” or Weltanschauung which claimed “to determine … Read More

Ontology as a question addressed to Being as such


(Heidegger in 1960. ) The Heideggerian approach aims to free ontology from any metaphysical shackles, in a phenomenological approach by upholding the question of the meaning of being drawn over the course of human existence, at the source of time. … Read More

Ontology as a question addressed to the being of beings


The multiple meanings of being “Being” is said in multiple senses, says Aristotle at the beginning of the fourth book of his Metaphysics, he enumerates in this same passage, a list of concepts each of which receives the name of … Read More



Monism is the philosophical position which affirms the indivisible unity of being. In its modern expression, it supports the uniqueness of the substance that makes up the universe. The fundamental unity of the cosmos or the universe makes matter and … Read More

Naturalism and science, philosophy of mind and ethics


Naturalism and natural sciences Relationship to science The naturalist perspective leads to accord philosophy to the data of the natural sciences. This agreement implies three types of requirements for the philosophy: Scientific data must be integrated into philosophical reflection; Philosophical … Read More

Metaphysical and logical arguments for the existence of God


During the history of philosophy and theology, many arguments for and against the existence of God have been made. The God in question here is what is sometimes called the God of the philosophers, namely the God of the great … Read More

Virus Ontology: Thing, Being, Process, or Information?


The study of viruses raises pressing conceptual and philosophical questions about their nature, their classification, (O’Malley 2014, 45–94) (Mayr 1953) and their place within the biological world. A major set of problems concerns the individuality and diachronic identity of a … Read More

Blockchain Ontologies: OCL and REA


Unified Modeling Language (UML) of Object Management Group, along with Object Constraint Language (OCL), (Purvis and Cranefield 1999) are considered by Joost de Kruijff and Hans Weigand as the best fit for blockchain ontology. (de Kruijff and Weigand 2017) OCL … Read More

Blockchain Enterprise Ontologies: TOVE and DEMO


Enterprise ontology for blockchain transactions includes datalogical, infological and essential levels. OntoClean (Guarino 1998) developed by Nicola Guarino and Chris Welty (Guarino and Welty 2000) analyzes ontologies based on formal, domain-independent properties (metaproperties), being the first attempt to formalize the … Read More

Ontology of Gravitational Singularities


Peter Bokulich and Erik Curiel (Curiel and Bokulich 2018) assert that general relativity (GR) allows singularities, and that we need to understand the ontology of singularities if we want to understand the nature of space and time in the present … Read More

Ontology of Intelligence


In intelligence, the ontological problem is related to the nature and characteristics of entities that threaten and are threatened. According to Eric Little and Galina Rogova, “[t]hreat is a very complex ontological item and, therefore, a proper threat ontology must … Read More

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