- There are 12,994,800 scoring hands in Cribbage (52c5 x 5, 5 cards then any of those 5 as the turn up card).
- Approximately 8.5% of randomly drawn four-card hands will score 0 (not including pegging).
- The highest score is 29 (555J in hand with the turn-up 5 of the same suit as the Jack).
- The second highest score is 28 (any 10/J/Q/K+5555 in hand and turn-up excepting the above 29 hand) and the third highest is 24 (A7777, 33339, 36666, 44447, 44556, 44566, 45566, 67788, 77889).
- All scores between 0 and 29 are possible, with the exception of 19, 25, 26 and 27. Players will sometimes refer to a 0-scoring hand as having a score of 19, which can confuse new players.
- The odds of getting a 28 hand in a 2 player game are 1 in 15,028.
- The odds of getting a perfect 29 hand in a 2 player game are 1 in 216,580.
- The odds of getting a perfect 29 hand in a 3 or 4 player game are 1 in 649,740.
- The dealer will always peg at least one point in 2 player, 6 card cribbage (unless opponent pegs out before all the cards are played).
- The most points that can be pegged by playing one card are 15. This is accomplished by completing a double pair royale, while making the count 15 on the last card (12 for Double Pair Royale, 2 for 15, 1 for last card). Although this is rare, players declare it as “15 for 15.”
- The highest score as a dealer is 53. The turn-up must be a 5, and one hand must have J555 while the other has 4466. The first being a 29 (With the right Jack) and the second being 24.
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