e-Book conversion to various digital formats
One of the main features of Calibre is the conversion of e-books to and from the main formats used by e-readers and other digital players.
Source formats: AZW3 (Amazon proprietary format), CBZ, CBR, CBC, CHM, DJVU, DOCX, EPUB, FictionBook, HTML, LIT (Microsoft Reader), LRF, MOBI, ODT, PDF, PRC11, PDB, PML, RB, RTF, SNB, TCR, TXT, TxTz.
The interface offers a variety of settings to refine and improve the conversion result.
Synchronization with e-readers and other e-book reading devices
Calibre can send the books he manages to an e-reader or other media connected via a USB port. He recognizes many e-reader models and offers a conversion in an appropriate format when necessary.
You can set in which directory files must be copied (each type of e-reader can have its particular setting) and allow for adjustments in the metadata (insert number in the title when importing such, for ex. ).
As a disadvantage, Calibre manages with difficulty, if at all, collections, shelves and other subdivisions proposed to classify books in the e-readers.
The “connect / share” function is used to connect an e-reader which has a synchronization application to a wireless network. Calibre Companion for Android devices.
Managed e-readers
- SONY PRS 300/350/500/505/600/650/700
- Cybook Gen3 / Opus / Orizon / Odyssey
- Amazon Kindle 1/2 / DX, Kindle Fire, Kindle Paperwhite
- Netronix EB600
- Ectaco Jetbook
- BeBook / BeBook Mini
- Irex Iliad / DR1000
- Foxit eSlick
- Kobo
- Oyo
- PocketBook
- Phones using Android or iOS.
If media is not supported, it is always possible to transfer with the command set to save the books in another location.
Downloading articles from the web and publishing as a digital book
Calibre can automatically fetch articles and RSS feeds from informational websites. It turns them into e-books ready to be downloaded to a connected device. The e-books are full versions of the articles, not just the summaries.
New sources proposed by users on the MobileRead forum, are added to Calibre during updates.
A reading program or “viewer” is integrated into Calibre, allowing to read recorded books. It has the usual functions of visualization applications and readers, including the conservation of the last read page.
Content server for online access to its collection of books
Calibre has an integrated web server that allows access to e-book library using a browser from any other computer. It can also automatically send the uploaded books and news articles to a support accessing the internet. It also manages mobile devices, which have access to the library.
Calibre and DRM
Calibre can not modify or access the metadata of a book with DRM. It can store it and copy it to an e-reader, but not convert it.
The user manual says about it: Many e-books available for purchase will be protected by Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology. Calibre does not know to convert these e-books. It is easy to remove DRM from many formats, but it’s illegal, you will find yourself tools to unlock your books and then you can use Calibre to convert.
There is a plug-in, distributed by an independent developer, that removes DRM from major retailers (Amazon, Adobe customers, Barnes and Noble) when adding a new digital book in Calibre, making the operation transparent to the user.
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