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My Time Is Gone - Love, Endless EvilIt’s hard not to hate. People, lies, moments when you feel used … all this steals your identity and buries your soul. And you see how gladly they watch you fall. Then, hate is the only feeling that makes sense. Forget about yourself and dive into the mud. Below that you can’t get down. Want! But you have nowhere to go. You have no choice but get up! And, with every step you take, those who tried to bury you fall into the pit they dug for you!

“It was against my principles of life to love an alcoholic and a drug addict woman. What I loved was the idea of family and that’s what I fought for. And I loved and I will love Fanija! Forever! But now, when I gave myself this answer, the other one I wanted to know, namely what happened that day when I lost consciousness, didn’t matter, I will have that answer but now I put it aside! Now, all the energy is focused on me. I’ll be fine! You won’t! ”

My Time Is Gone - Love, Endless Evil

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