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The Mystery of the Golden Stars – An adventure in the European Union (Misterul stelelor aurii – O aventură în Uniunea Europeană)


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The Mystery of the Golden Stars

Discover the bilingual book The Mystery of the Golden Stars (Misterul stelelor aurii): A Thrilling Adventure Across the European Union!


Dive into a fascinating quest where mysteries, enigmas, and cultural discoveries intertwine. Written by Nicolae Sfetcu, this captivating book invites young and adult readers to explore the European Union through the eyes of three intrepid young adventurers.

When a valuable artifact mysteriously disappears, Josh, Ricki, and Maddy race against time to decipher clues scattered across Europe’s capitals. With enemies on their tail and unlikely allies on their side, they discover not only the wonders of the continent, but also the power of friendship, perseverance, and international cooperation.

Why Read This Book?

  • An educational journey: Learn about the European Union, its institutions and values.
  • A thrilling story: Investigate alongside the characters and solve captivating puzzles.
  • An inspiring message: Discover the importance of unity and diversity.

Who is this book for?

  • Children and teenagers curious to learn more about Europe.
  • Parents and teachers looking for an enriching educational tool.
  • Lovers of adventure stories and puzzles.

About the Author

Nicolae Sfetcu is a prolific author and a talented editor. With his expertise in writing and publishing, he translates and adapts captivating works that touch the hearts of his readers.


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Bilingual English/Romanian Edition (Ediția bilingvă engleză/română)

This book invites you to tour Brussels, the city that hosts the European Union’s headquarters, discovering what the European Union is, how it works and how it may be relevant to you. You follow Josh and Ricki and their new friend Maddy as they struggle to solve the mystery of the Golden Stars. Good luck and lots of fun!

The book is an independent translation and adaptation of the European Commission’s work in English, “The Mistery of Golden Stars – An adventure in the European Union”, available free of charge in PDF format on the official website of the European Union. © European Union, 2014.

(Această carte vă invită la un tur în Bruxelles, orașul care găzduiește sediul Uniunii Europene, și să descoperiți ce este Uniunea Europeană, cum funcționează și modul în care poate fi relevantă pentru noi. Îi urmați pe Josh și Ricki și noua lor prietenă Maddy în încercarea lor de a rezolva misterul stelelor aurii. Mult noroc și distracție plăcută!

Cartea reprezintă o traducere și adaptare independentă a lucrării Comisiei Europene în limba engleză, “The mistery of golden stars – An adventure in the European Union”, disponibilă gratuit în format PDF pe site-ul oficial al Uniunii Europene. © Uniunea Europeană, 2014.)


Chapter 1 The Intruder
(Capitolul 1 Intrusul)
Chapter 2 Mud and mist
(Capitolul 2 Noroi și ceață)
Chapter 3 The bear necessities
(Capitolul 3 Problemele ursului)
Chapter 4 The star cipher
(Capitolul 4 Codul stelei)
Chapter 5 The cursed crown
(Capitolul 5 Coroana blestemată)
Chapter 6 The golden claw
(Capitolul 6 Gheara de aur)
Chapter 7 Clear as mud
(Capitolul 7 Clar ca lumina zilei)
Chapter 8 Breaking news
(Capitolul 8 Ultimele știri)
Chapter 9 The charade
(Capitolul 9 Șarada)
Chapter 10 The roundabout showdown
(Capitolul 10 Confruntarea din sensul giratoriu)
Two months later
(Două luni mai târziu)
About translator și editor
Nicolae Sfetcu
By the same author
(Despre translator și editor)
Nicolae Sfetcu
De același autor
Publishing House
MultiMedia Publishing
MultiMedia Publishing

MultiMedia Publishing House https://www.telework.ro/en/e-books/mystery-golden-stars-adventure-european-union-misterul-stelelor-aurii-o-aventura-uniunea-europeana/
– Digital: EPUB (ISBN 978-606-9016-97-8), Kindle (ISBN 978-606-9016-99-2), PDF (ISBN 978-606-9016-98-5)
Publication Date: 25.07.2017

PREVIEW (PREVIZUALIZARE): https://www.telework.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/MysteryEnRo-Preview-Previzualizare.pdf

Amazon (Print, Kindle) – Illustrated Edition (Ediția ilustrată): https://www.amazon.com/dp/1973969416/  – Black & White Edition (Ediția alb-negru): https://www.amazon.com/dp/1973990636/
Smashwords (EPUB): https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/738504
Google (EPUB, PDF):

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Mystery-of-the-Golden-Stars-Misterul-stelelor-aurii-1630357746995536/

The Mystery of the Golden Stars

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