Discover the magic of classic stories in a new, captivating form, carefully adapted for all ages. The bilingual book “Retold Fairy Tales (Poveşti repovestite)”, signed by the legendary Hans Christian Andersen and masterfully retold, brings to life the charm of fairy tales that have fascinated entire generations.
Title: Retold Fairy Tales (Poveşti repovestite)
Author Hans Christian Andersen
Translation by Nicolae Sfetcu
Published by MultiMedia Publishing
What you will find in the pages of this book:
- Classic tales retold: Rediscover Andersen’s educational adventures, such as The Fir Tree, The Ugly Duckling, The Emperor’s New Clothes and The Match Girl.
- Accessible language: A carefully crafted translation, perfect for both children and adults who want to relive childhood nostalgia.
- Universal values: Life lessons, emotional themes and meaningful messages that will remain in the hearts of readers.
Why choose this book?
- An ideal gift for young and old: Perfect for evening reading or to give as a gift.
- Rediscovering a classic in a new form: The text has been adapted for a more dynamic reading, while preserving the essence of the original.
- Guaranteed quality: Edited and published by MultiMedia Publishing, known for its exceptional titles.
Add the magic of Andersen’s stories to your library. Each story is a journey into a world where imagination knows no bounds.
Don’t miss the opportunity to bring a little of the charm of immortal fairy tales into your life and that of your loved ones.
Order now!
Bilingual English/Romanian Book (Carte bilingvă engleză/română)
Hans Christian Andersen
Translated by (Traducere de): Nicolae Sfetcu
First edition (Prima ediție)
An exciting new compilation of five of the most famous fairy tales and stories by Hans Christian Andersen, that have inspired ballets, plays, and animated and live-action films. A return to the innocence of the childhood.
(O nouă compilație extraordinară a cinci dintre cele mai renumite basme și povestiri ale lui Hans Christian Andersen, care au inspirat balete, piese de teatru, desene animate și filme. O întoarcere la inocența copilăriei.)
The Fir Tree
The Ugly Duckling
(Rățușca cea urâtă)
The Emperor’s New Clothes
(Hainele cele noi ale împăratului)
The Red Shoes
(Pantofii roșii)
The Little Match-Girl
Fetița cu chibrituri
About translator
– Nicolae Sfetcu
– – By the same author
– – Contact
Despre translator
– Nicolae Sfetcu
– – De același autor
– – Contact
Publishing House
– MultiMedia Publishing
– MultiMedia Publishing
MultiMedia Publishing House
– Digital: EPUB (ISBN 978-606-9016-55-8), Kindle (ISBN 978-606-9016-57-2), PDF (ISBN 978-606-9016-56-5)
Publication Date (Data publicării): December 11 (11 decembrie) 2017
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