Popper’s supporters argued that most criticism is based on an incomprehensible interpretation of his ideas. They argue that Popper should not be interpreted as meaning that falsifiability is a sufficient condition for the demarcation of science. Some passages seem to suggest that he considers it is only a necessary condition. Other passages would suggest that for a theory to be scientific, Popper requires (besides falsifiability) other tests, and that negative test results are accepted. A demarcation criterion based on falsifiability that includes these elements will avoid the most obvious counter-arguments of a criterion based on falsifiability alone.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30071.47527
This is a partial translation of:
Sfetcu, Nicolae, “Distincția dintre falsificare și respingere în problema demarcației la Karl Popper”, SetThings (3 iunie 2018), MultiMedia Publishing (ed.), DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10444.72329, ISBN 978-606-033-139-1, URL = https://www.telework.ro/ro/e-books/distinctia-dintre-falsificare-si-respingere-in-problema-demarcatiei-la-karl-popper/
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