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The Divine LawsThis book has emerged as a result of the many questions addressed to me by friends, relatives and believed strangers (in reality we, the ones who interact, in the present, have a common past). They all felt the need to communicate or get in touch with me; we all want to progress as soon as we can on the given path, we want to respect God’s will in order to be guided by the higher spiritual entities. But unfortunately most of the time we take guidance from daily principles received through education and superficial laws that fail to serve the soul. Luckily for us, there are other laws: the ones which govern the Universe. They exist regardless of our will, of our idea of right and wrong.  They are called The Divine Laws is their name and God’s Will is their path opener. The Divine Laws include The Karma Law, in the absence of which all of our actions would be lost forever… Would you say that a contemporary law is correct without taking into account “the seeds planted” in a lifetime? Everything happens for a reason, each action has its own role, even if not fully understood, every step that we take today has the power to determine tomorrow. If taken into account, these truths we have the power to eradicate grief, problems, misery and to make us more powerful, harmonious, and at peace with ourselves.

This is the reason why I wanted to reveal The Divine Laws to the world by means of this book. If you abide these laws and use them for your own interest, they can and will help you accomplish whatever you want in a uncomplicated way. Actually, this truth lies written deep down in every one of our souls. We were born with it but we are unaware of it and if we openly analyze ourselves they will appear very familiar. But sometimes we must clear our mind, revive our self-conscience and use our soul as a “compass” for guiding our life. You’ll see it’s worth it!

The Divine Laws

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