Romanian Association for Telework and Teleactivities (RATT)

Romanian Association for Telework and Teleactivities (RATT) intends to meet a market needs: a place where you can find needed information and correct and serious answers to the issues involving telework, e-commerce, telecooperation, teleactivities in general. RATT intends to become a reference point for its members and all those interested in developing new ways of working.



RATT carries on business in telework, and teleactivities in general. It will total competencies, resources and information needed of these key areas and of other areas that relate to them, such as:
Will conduct the census and dissemination of available information


RATT Mission

“To assure the open development, evolution and use of the telework and teleactivities for the benefit of all people.”
The Romanian Association for Telework and Teleactivities …
Facilitates open development of standards, protocols, administration and the technical infrastructure related on telework and teleactivities
Supports education in rural areas specifically, and wherever the need exists


RATT Objectives

Its main purpose is to maintain and extend the development and availability of the telework and teleactivities and its associated technologies, applications and principles – both as an end in itself, and as a means of enabling organizations, professions, and individuals worldwide to more effectively collaborate, cooperate, and innovate in their respective fields and interests.
Its specific goals and purposes include:
development, maintenance, evolution, and dissemination of standards for the telework and teleactivities and its technologies, applications and principles…


RATT Principles

Open, unencumbered, beneficial use of the telework and teleactivities.
Self-regulated content providers; no prior censorship of on-line communications.
On-line free expression is not restricted by other indirect means such as excessively restrictive governmental or private controls over computer hardware or software, telecommunications infrastructure, or other essential components of the Internet…


RATT Statute

“Asociaţia Română pentru Telelucru şi Teleactivităţi” (ARTT) este fondată potrivit Actului Constitutiv, în conformitate cu Ordonanţa Guvernului nr.26/2000 cu privire la asociaţii şi fundaţii şi cu Decretul nr.31/1954 privitor la persoanele fizice şi persoanele juridice.
Art.1. Denumirea asociaţiei este “Asociaţia Romana pentru Telelucru si Teleactivităţi” (ARTT) (denumită în continuare “Asociaţie”), conform Dovada de disponibilitate a denumirii din 23.12.2002 eliberată de Ministerul de Justiţie…


RATT Membership

The success of many organizations depends upon teleactivities related decisions being made every day by policy makers, standards organizations, and legislators around the world. Those decisions have a direct impact on how well organizations can plan for the future, serve their customers, and compete in the digital age.



The Statute of the Romanian Association for Telework and Teleactivities (RATT)


STATUTUL ASOCIAŢIEI ROMÂNE PENTRU TELELUCRU ŞI TELEACTIVITĂŢI (ARTT) “Asociaţia Română pentru Telelucru şi Teleactivităţi” (ARTT) este fondată potrivit Actului Constitutiv, în conformitate cu Ordonanţa Guvernului nr.26/2000 cu privire la asociaţii şi fundaţii şi cu Decretul nr.31/1954 privitor la persoanele fizice … Read More

Romanian Association for Telework and Teleactivities (RATT)


Romanian Association for Telework and Teleactivities (RATT) intends to meet a market needs: a place where you can find needed information and correct and serious answers to the issues involving telework, e-commerce, telecooperation, teleactivities in general. RATT intends to become … Read More

Code of practice for teleworking employees


According to various studies, teleworking is expanding. Quite clearly the technology is now available to make this an attractive option for employers. It can also have advantages for employees including a more flexible working life enabling people to combine work … Read More

Difference between a Telecottage and a Telecentre in teleworking


There’s no “official” mechanism for agreeing what is the meaning of telework terms and these two in particular are often used as if they are interchangeable but there is some merit in applying them differently. Here’s how they are used: … Read More

Telework Research


Telework is a popular research topic in many academic disciplines as well as commercially. Anyone connected with telework receives a continuing flow of questionnaires and other requests for help. Here are some simple “do”‘s and “don’t”‘s for the intending researcher. … Read More

The Benefits of Telework (Telecommuting)


Teleworking offers significant benefits to employers, employees, self employed individuals and entrepreneurs, and in developing the local economy. It also presents opportunities to secure wider social benefits – for example by reducing the environmental impact of car travel. Benefits for … Read More

Working remotely as a teleworker


Asking the right questions “How can I get work as a teleworker?” is an impossible question for anyone to answer sensibly, short of writing an essay or even a book, because: “Teleworker” isn’t a trade or a profession or a … Read More

Telework & Telecommuting: Common Terms and Definitions


Telework (and Telecommuting) Telework (and Telecommuting) are working practices made feasible by: The reducing cost and increasing performance of computers and telecommunications; The ready availability of tools and services that support Open Electronic Networking (including the open Internet); Increasing willingness … Read More