

An antimicrobial is a substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microbes such as bacteria (antibacterial activity), fungi (antifungal activity), viruses (antiviral activity), or parasites (anti-parasitic activity). Main classes Antibiotics Antibiotics are generally used to treat bacterial infections. The … Read More

Spyware – virtual machines and security practices


Using a virtual machine (such as a pre-built Browser Appliance for VMWare Player) can inhibit infection by spyware, malware, and viruses. Virtual machines provide seperate environments, so if spyware enters the virtual environment, the host computer remains unaffected. One can … Read More

WinFixer Technical Information


WinFixer is closely related to Aurora Network’s Nail.exe hijacker/spyware program. In worst case scenarios, it may embed itself in Internet Explorer and become part of the program, thus being nearly impossible to remove. The program is also closely related to … Read More

Noncommercial spam


E-mail and other forms of spamming have been used for purposes other than advertisements. Many early Usenet spams were religious or political in nature. Serdar Argic, for instance, spammed Usenet with historical revisionist screeds. A number of evangelists have spammed … Read More

How WinFixer Infects


Initial message prior to infection – Disconnect from the internet before closing this! There are several ways in which WinFixer can infect a computer. Users using Internet Explorer are most susceptible, although users of other browsers, such as Firefox and … Read More

E-mail spam


E-mail spam is by far the most common form of spamming on the internet. It involves sending identical or nearly identical unsolicited messages to a large number of recipients. Unlike legitimate commercial e-mail, spam is generally sent without the explicit … Read More

Webmasters, take care, a trojan steals your money!


BitDefender has detected a new trojan, which hijacks Google text advertisements, replacing them with ads from a different provider. The threat, which is identified by BitDefender as Trojan.Qhost.WU, modifies the infected computers’ Hosts file (a local storage for domain name … Read More