N I C O L A E N. S F E T C U
Bucharest, România
Tel./ WhatsApp: +40 745 526 896
E-mail: nicolae@sfetcu.com
Skype: nic01ae
Personal website: http://www.telework.ro/
Facebook/Messenger: https://www.facebook.com/nicolae.sfetcu
Twitter: http://twitter.com/nicolae
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolaesfetcu
Google Plus: https://www.google.com/+NicolaeSfetcu
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/NicolaeSfetcu
Additional Professional Activities
Professional Membership
Community Activities
Personal Details
A wide range of experience in the domains of physics, engineering, quality assurance, electronics, translation (English, French), writer, editing and publishing books and e-books, and Internet services (online business solutions, web design, Internet marketing and online advertising, social media). Able to work on own initiative and as part of a team. Proven leadership skills involving managing, developing and motivating teams to achieve their objectives. First-class analytical, design and problem solving skills, and a very good specialist. Dedicated to maintaining high quality standards.
2002, October – date MULTIMEDIA SRL, Drobeta Turnu Severin (company founded in October, 2002)
- Owner and administrator
- Business services: Internet marketing and advertising, web design and development, translation, word processing, desktop publishing, multimedia, business consulting, editing and publishing books and e-books
- Development of the MultiMedia Network (websites, mailing lists and newsletters, social networks, electronic publications, etc.)
- Developer and participant in various European and national projects (DriveSafe – Partners in this project: AIRBUS France, AREA 17 Sweden, EURISCO France, INCORDIA Sweden, INRIA France, KAYSER-THREDE Germany, MEDIASCORE Germany, MINDMATICS Germany, ONE TOO France, PLAN_B_MEDIA Germany, SIEMENS AUTOMOTIVE Germany, etc.)
2002, February – 2002, October AMACOM INTERNET CENTER SRL, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania
AmaCom Internet Center SRL is a Romanian micro – company, founded in Nov. 2001.
- Administrator
- Developing local IT services for web design, translation, Internet marketing, desktop publishing and word processing
- IT projects in cooperation with foreign and Romanian companies
2001 – 2002 AMACOM SRL, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania
AmaCom SRL is a medium-size Romanian company, founded in 1992.
- 2001 – 2002 IT Manager
- Founder of the IT Department
- Coordinating manager
- Founder and Chief Editor of three ezines:
- Business / Internet”
- NGO Romania”
- Severin on-line”
- Officer
1983 – 1993 HEAVY WATER PLANT “ROMAG PROD”, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania
Heavy Water Plant “ROMAG PROD” is the biggest European producer of heavy water, with the highest deuterium purity in the world.
- 1991 – 1993 Quality Assurance Manager
Projecting, implementing, developing and maintaining the Quality Assurance System. - 1989 – 1991 Destructive and Nondestructive Testing Laboratory Chief
Start-up Destructive and Nondestructive Testing Laboratories. - 1983 – 1989 Quality Assurance Inspector
▪ Inspections and audits in Quality Assurance System
Additional Professional Activities
2001 – date Elaboration and teaching two courses, “Teleworker Guide” (published in 2002 by the “Noul Scris Romanesc” Craiova Publishing House, entitled “Telework (Innovation – Internet – Opportunities)”, and “Internet Marketing”, with The Center for the Implementation of Inventions, at Craiova University
1999 – 2001 European Teleworking Development Romania (ETD) Project Coordinator
1999 – 2000 Expert – Evaluator for European Commission
1998 – 2000 Teaching courses for professional reconversion in industrial electronics
1997 – date Teleworking
1990 – 1993 Electronics individual manufacturer
Tens of books authored, translated and/or published by Nicolae Sfetcu in Romanian, English and French
Professional Membership
2015 – date Rotary Club Atheneum Bucharest
2013 – 2015 Rotary Club Drobeta Turnu Severin Continental
Member, President 2015-2016
2004 – date Romanian Association for Electronic Industry and Software
Cofounder of the regional association and president of the Mehedinti Branch
2003 – date Romanian Association for Telework and Teleactivities
Initiator, cofounder and president
2002 – date Internet Society (London Chapter)
1999 – date Romanian Teleworking Society
Initiator, cofounder and president.
1994 – date General Association of Engineers in Romania
Cofounder and president of the Mehedinti Branch, member in the Executive Bureau, organizing scientific activities.
1980-1983 “Astroclub” Bucharest
1975-1977 Invention Club, Craiova
1975-1977 The Science-Fiction Literary Circle “Henri Coandă”, Craiova
2017 – present: Bucharest University, Faculty of Philosophy
Training for a master’s degree in Philosophy of science
2001 – not finished: Polytechnic University, Bucharest, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications
Training for a doctor degree, with the theme “Methods of development of the services and interfacing between Internet – Intranet and public communications networks”
1978 – 1983: Bucharest University, Bucharest
Physicist engineer – Bachelor of Physics, Major Nuclear Physics
1972 – 1977: Electrotechnical High School, Craiova, Dolj
IV-th place at National Olympiad for Romanian Language
III-rd award at National Olympiad for Physics
Performance in sport – handball, Ist place in the national championship in 1976
2006 – 2006: Atlas Consulting Bucharest
Training for audit for the Quality Management Systems
Attested as internal auditor
2005 – 2005: CPE Craiova
Training in the domain of organizational communication
1987 – 1988: Center for Training Specialists from Nuclear Domain, Bucharest
Nondestructive Testing Operator
1990 – 1990: Industry Minister, Chemistry Department, Bucharest
Quality Assurance Manager
1980 – 1982: “Carpati” National Travel Organization, Bucharest
Tourist guide
Attested for French language tourists
1995 – 1995: Bucharest University, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Certificated for French language
1996 – 1996: Bucharest University, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Certificated for English language
Community Activities
1990 – date Drobeta Bridge Club, Drobeta Turnu Severin
1979 – 1983 Atomic Bridge Club, Bucharest
Cofounder and president
1973 – 1977 Science – Fiction Literary Circle “Henry Coanda”, Craiova
Member and author of some SF stories
Romanian (native), French (certified), English (certified)
Personal Details
Date of Birth: July 19, 1957
Marital Status: married, two children
Driving License: full, clean
Electronics, Internet, bridge, chess, music, sports
Web design, e-commerce, other web applications
- Web sites for public institutions, NGOs, funded projects, industry, commerce, finance, automotive, tourism, etc.
- e-Commerce for selling products on the internet, online and offline payments
- Dynamic and elegant, responsive, tailored websites for tablets and mobile phones
- Automation, integration with social networks
- Repair, modification, upgrade, maintenance and web hosting on best servers
Internet marketing, SEO, online advertising, branding
- Internet marketing for search engines and social networks, and mobile marketing
- Search engine indexing in Google, Yahoo and Bing
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Local marketing, including through Google Maps
- Online advertising through websites and blogs, search engines, and PPC (AdWords)
- Viral marketing, branding, protecting the reputation
- Development of a specific strategy to maximize conversion, including through the management of links and other recommendations
Software localization, Romanian and French translation
- Accurately translation, keeping the spirit of the original document and cultural meaning, in and from English, Romanian and French
- Technical domains, multimedia, websites, advertising and business, software localization
- Including translations in the same format as the original, or another format upon request
- Complete process of editing, proofreading, printing and processing translated documents
- Using specific programs CAT tools
Articles, desktop publishing, secretarial services
- Creating optimized content (articles, etc..)
- Development and distribution of corporate news and press releases, viral posts on social networks
- Desktop publishing for books, leaflets and printed publications in specific formats
- Secretarial services, word processing, management of e-mail messages
- Printing and scanning, data entry
- Online publications, radio and television
Powerpoint, Word, PDF, image, audio and video editing
- Edit and modify images
- Edit and modify audio, including special effects and soundtracks for presentations
- Create, edit and modify videos, including special effects
- Presentation of companies, projects, etc., in Powerpoint, Word, Excel an PDF formats, slide shows, video clips, animations, etc.
- Developing a special YouTube channel for presentation, audio and video streaming
e-Book conversion, formatting, publishing, ISBN
- Scanning, editing, formatting, publishing and promoting e-books
- Converting written books or manuscripts in e-books in all major specific formats and support in their sale
- Distribution of electronic books in the biggest online stores: Amazon, Apple, Sony, Barnes & Noble, etc.
- Promoting electronic books through online marketing, reviews, releases, news