I have always wondered how I could transmit my knowledge concerning spiritual practices to my loved ones, or to anyone who needs it. Each soul living on this Planet is daily searching for spiritual knowledge, for its own soul’s evolution. Some of us find it in our pertaining religion; others find it in a spiritual teaching which attracts us and others in an impact happening from our life, or simply in a prayer. None of the above mentioned ways are wrong, as long as we reach the final goal: spiritual growth, because this is our main objective in our earthly lives.
Ten years ago, I have began the journey with an open soul, towards a spiritual practice which I thought would be what I needed to “open my eyes” and see the world, to understand the purpose of my life, to learn how to raise my child as well as I could… Exercising and practicing, I understood basic spiritual notions and I gained a greater thirst for knowledge. Each year which passed by brought up a better understanding of other systems which completed my knowledge, till I reached the “magical” number 7, considered by numerologists as a divine number.
Then the Magic happened: “the declick” which helped me get to know myself better and understand the great Truth, that real knowledge lies within ourselves, within our soul, in the cleanest little room, which is the Divine Spark received by us at birth. The spiritual practices have the role to wake us up and use the great force already present in each of us! And believe me, each of us has it, but we aren’t all aware of it…
This huge inner FORCE is based on the Divine Truth, which contains simple but extraordinarily powerful elements, available to every soul from this Planet. I understood this aspect after I became a Master in 7 spiritual systems, subsequently comprehending that our spiritual growth is based on the knowledge and the implementation of several simple elements known by every single one of us, on an inner, profound level. These elements are based on the knowledge which offers us access to health, happiness, wealth, beauty, harmony, love, forgiveness- to everything we could ever wish for in a lifetime. In consequence, I have proposed myself to perpetuate all my accumulated knowledge based on the basic elements mentioned above, to all of those who want to grow spiritually, but at the same time who want to live a better life.
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