Space, time, and time travel
Newton supported the idea of absolute time, unlike Leibniz, for which time is only a relation between events and cannot be expressed independently, a statement in concordance with the relativity of space-time. Eternalism claims that the past and the future … Read More

Grandfather paradox in time travel
The most well-known example of the impossibility of traveling in time is the grandfather paradox or self-infanticide argument: a person who travels in the past and kills his own grandfather, thus preventing the existence of one of his parents and … Read More

Time Travel
Sfetcu, Nicolae (2019). “Time Travel”, in Telework, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29776.76804/1, https://www.telework.ro/en/time-travel/ Abstract Time travel is a recognized concept in philosophy and science, but whose scope is highly disputed, giving rise to numerous paradoxes in both philosophy and science. Time travel … Read More