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Epistemology of Intelligence Analysis


In intelligence, epistemology is the study of the threat awareness and the way the threat is understood in the field of intelligence analysis. Most definitions of intelligence do not consider the fact that the epistemic normative status of the intelligence analysis is knowledge rather than a lower alternative. Counter-arguments to the epistemological status of intelligence are their purpose-oriented action, and their future-oriented content. Following the attacks of September 11, a terrorism commission was set up to identify the failures and weaknesses of US intelligence agencies, to learn from security vulnerabilities and to avoid future attacks on national safety and security.

 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30264.70400

Sfetcu, Nicolae, “Epistemology of Intelligence Analysis”, SetThings (March 20, 2019), MultiMedia Publishing (ed.), URL = https://www.telework.ro/en/epistemology-of-intelligence-analysis/

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A partial translation of:
Sfetcu, Nicolae, “Epistemologiaserviciilor de informații”, SetThings (4 februarie 2019), MultiMedia Publishing (ed.), DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19751.39849, ISBN 978-606-033-160-5, URL = https://www.telework.ro/ro/e-books/epistemologia-serviciilor-de-informatii/

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