Henri Poincaré, The logic of infinity: What a classification must be


Can the ordinary rules of logic be applied without change, as soon as we consider collections taking an infinite number of objects? This is a question we did not ask at first, but we were led to examine when the … Read More

Game classification


Games may be classified and sub-classified according to many different criteria. Each scheme has its own advantages and disadvantages. What sort of challenge / skill is involved (e.g. abstract calculation, anagramming, luck, bluffing, verbalizing, coordination, speed, etc.)? This leads to … Read More

Classification of risks and incidents in cyberworld


Classifications can be made according to several criteria. We will review some of them: Classification as a list of terms A popular but simplistic classification is a list of defined terms. An example is as follows: Cables and signals interception … Read More

Classification of cyber attackers according to their skills and objectives


Another presentation identifies five categories of intruders, each with different skills, levels of knowledge, especially with different objectives. All these categories can come from both outside and inside the company. The novice is usually a lone rookie. No computer experience … Read More

Car classification


Car classification is a somewhat subjective subject, as many vehicles fall between classes or even outside all of them. Not all car types are sold in all countries and names differ in some cases between British and American English. Where … Read More