Intended recipient:
Mr. Nicolae Sfetcu
General Manager
Web Business Developer
Dear Sir,
On behalf of the Achievements Forum- 2019 organizing committee, we would like to express our deepest respect to your company, and warmest greetings to yourself.
Every spring, we analyse the relevant business information from the previous year and honour the prominent regional companies and CEOs who have demonstrated success on a regional level.
The best regional business people were selected based on research carried out by our analytics centre.
This research is based on data collected from national and international certification bodies, regional and national associations, congresses, forums, exhibitions, industry and regional media.
Web Business Developer is held in high international esteem for its performance and effectiveness, vision and leadership, innovation, creativity, professionalism, exceptional managerial skills, business ethics, and corporate social responsibility in 2018, and as such you have been nominated for the title of “Manager of the Year”.
The Manager of the Year award recognises CEOs, company owners and top-level managers who have contributed to the success of their companies through advancing best management practice and delivering high quality services for employees and customers.
Selected and confirmed regional companies and CEOs will be honoured at the annual International Achievements Forum on 12 April in London. As tradition dictates, the event will be hosted by The Institute of Directors.
Award winning companies have the chance to hear from top executives, municipality heads, senior state officials, and investment experts from across the globe at plenary and breakout sessions and share their ideas and experiences in a series of panel discussions, presentations, and cases studies.
We hope to see you among the Best Regional Enterprise winners at the London forum.
We kindly ask that you to contact us for the award accreditation procedure, and if you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team who will be glad to answer any of your questions and provide additional details.
Yours sincerely, in anticipation of your response,
Anna Jones
Achievement Forum Coordinator
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