Death is a concept for the state of a biological organism having ceased to live (although this term is also used figuratively for the degeneration of a star, or a language that has lost its last speakers). This state is characterized by a definite break in the consistency of vital processes (nutrition, respiration …) necessary for homeostatic maintenance of the organism, that distinguishes the death of a temporary alteration as in the case of hibernation or some freezing.
At the cellular level, death means the cessation of the basic functions of a cell. In multicellular communities, this may be accidental death (necrosis) or controlled or programmed death (apoptosis). However, there are sometimes disorder that challenge this common death: the cell is then said to be immortal because it can be split into daughter cells an unlimited number of times. Unicellular organisms that reproduce by fission are only immortal principle, although after marking it appears that these cells are also aging, which alters their homeostatic and reproductive capacities. In multicellular organisms, sexual cells, called germ, are potentially immortal, unlike their somatic cell envelope eventually die hopelessly under the influence of external pathogenic factors, or because of the phenomenon of aging. Somatic envelope then form what is called a corpse, which then decomposes under the action of oxidation, bacteria and various scavengers and organizations contributing to the recycling of organic and inorganic material.
At the organism level, death can be seen as the end of life as opposed to birth, or as the absence of life. In the first case, the fact that the heart may stop beating for a while before being revived rises the question of the boundary or transition between life and death. Addressing this issue, the World Organisation for Animal Health considers death as “the irreversible loss of highlighted by the loss of brainstem reflexes brain activity ” and it adopts a definition of death as that brain death, as distinguished from a simple cardio- circulatory stop, condition called “clinical death”.
At a broader, historical and biological spatiotemporal scale, if the individual disappears as a single entity at the time of death, part of his genetic heritage persists in its progeny (if it exists) and the life of the species and ecosystems in which it integrates continues while evolving.
Latter-day Saints
For Latter-day Saints (Mormonism), the pre-existence, life before birth in the presence of God, life on earth, time tested and experience, and life after death, are part of the Plan of salvation. After death, the spirit world is where the spirit of man lies between death and resurrection awaits. It has two distinct parts: spirit prison where those receipts that have not obeyed the gospel or who have not accepted while they were on earth, or who have not had the opportunity heard, and paradise. The gospel is taught in the spirit prison and those who accept the sacrament of baptism celebrated for them in the temples are in paradise. Every human being resurrected (meeting of body and mind) before being brought before God for final judgment which will take into account the whole person considered (knowledge, deeds, words, thoughts, desires, repentance). According to these criteria, one of the three degrees of glory, telestial, terrestrial or celestial (in the presence of God) will be assigned.
Translated and adapted from Wikipedia.
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