Relationships between humans and animals


In cultures with formalized or customary law, relations between humans and other animal species have varied greatly in space and time, and according to the animal, often with a particular status for game, domestic or animal species. animal-totems or symbolic … Read More

Pain in animals


According to Manfred Zimmermann, an aversive sensory experience can be described as pain perception in animals , “Which is triggered by actual or threatened injury, induces motor and vegetative protective reactions, leads to learned avoidance and possibly changes species-specific behavior, including social behavior.” – Zimmermann, How do animals feel pain? This definition follows that for … Read More

Philosophical and legal approaches of animals


Animal rights are the legal wording of animal protection or animal liberation. They are based on the idea that the needs and interests of nonhuman animal species – feeding, moving, reproducing and avoiding suffering, for example – are sufficiently complex … Read More

Romanian traditions: Mărţişor


Mărţişor is one of the best Romanian traditions, celebrated in the beginning of the Spring, on March 1st. The tradition’s name is the diminutive of March (in Romanian: Martie). The men offer to the women a talisman object also called … Read More