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The Choice

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[singlepic id=4 w=320 h=240 float=right]During my student’s years I tried to go to a trip on my bicycle, in Serbia (Yugoslavia, that time). Everything was fine with my documents except for the final one, the passport. I had to get it from a Security’s office in Bucharest. I went there, but I was shocked with the answer of an officer: my passport was denied because, in order to be approved, I had to have at least $50 in one of my bank accounts. No one told me something like this before.  I could get it from one of my African mate, but this could be a problem, because they would asked me where I get it from (I lived that time in a communist country, anyway).

Right that time I was very angry, but the officer was very patience with me taking into account what I said to him; I think that this kind of reaction  was common for many other requests. I was decided to immigrate after I finish the school.

Meanwhile I finished the school, I was married, and I went to Drobeta Turnu Severin, a city near the border with Serbia, as engineer. Due to the location of the city, I was able to get a special passport and to visit this country at any time. But during the next 25 years I never asked for such a document. I was no more interested in such a trip.

I think this is the big difference between a poor man and a rich man. Not the money. But the power to choose that it gives to you. No matter if you make or not a choice, It is important to know that you can do it.

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