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What is WordPress

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WordPress is a publishing software whose main qualities are simplicity, speed and ease of use. WordPress is favored by an active community, real core of free software.


WordPress is a powerful personal publishing platform with many features designed to make publishing your Internet experience as simple, pleasant and enjoyable as possible. It offers a freely distributable publishing platform, standards compliant, fast, light and free with parameters and features and a thoughtful extraordinarily adaptable core.

License and Technical Environment

  • License: WordPress is licensed under the GPL.
  • Technical environment: PHP (v4.2 or later) and MySQL (v3.23.x or later) are required.

Manage and administer the weblog

Local installation: WordPress is designed to be installed on your own web server or shared hosting. Unlike third-party services, you have the assurance that you can access and modify everything about your weblog, if you need it. This also means that you can install WordPress on your computer at home or office or even on an Intranet.

Portable core: You can choose to place the WordPress files that form the administration interface of your public weblog in the same folder as your weblog or any other directory. For example, if you want to place your weblog on http://example.com (public_html is the “root” of your public web server or web host) and you want to place the files in WordPress http://example.com/wordpress (public_html/wordpress) you can do it!

UTC compatible: WordPress allows you to set your time as an offset to Universal Time (UTC), and all elements related to time are stored in the database in GMT, which is a universal standard. Among other things, this helps you display the correct time on your server, even if your hosting server is located in another time zone.

Gzip compression: You can save bandwidth by enabling gzip option in your WordPress installation. WordPress compresses the content when a visitor’s browser supports this feature. This option requires that the mod_gzip module is available on your Apache web server hosting your WordPress.

User management: WordPress uses a rights management system to allow users access to certain functions. You can restrict the ability to create and edit content for a user by changing its level.

User profiles: Each user on your weblog can, if he wishes, define a profile by entering information such as their email address, alias instant messaging, etc. Each user can choose the way this information is visible on the weblog.

Simple installation and update: The installation system in 5 minutes WordPress is unbeatable at ease. Update your weblog to the latest version of WordPress is also simple and should put even less time!

Dynamic generation of page: No need to rebuild all of the pages for each update of your weblog or anything like that. All pages are generated instantly each query using the database and presentation templates. This means that posting an article or modifying the presentation is as fast as possible and the necessary storage space is minimal

Internationalization and localization: You can now create a localized weblog and made it available in the language of your choice. Gettext is used to translate and localize WordPress into every corner.

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