Federatia Internationala de Tenis a anuntat decizia in cazul lui Ilie Nastase, capitanul nejucator al echipei de Fed Cup a Romaniei, de dupa incidentele de la Mamaia, din cadrul meciului Romania – Marea Britanie, decizie regasita mai jos in comunicatul celor de la ITF.
George Cosac, presedintele FRT, a tinut sa faca urmatoarea declaratie de presa referitoare la aceasta decizie: ”Federatia Romana de Tenis a luat cunostinta de decizia ITF in cazul lui Ilie Nastase, o respecta, dar, din punctul nostru de vedere, este prea dura, acuzatiile care i se aduc fiind exagerate. Vom discuta cu casa de avocatura care ne reprezinta si, impreuna cu Ilie Nastase, vom decide ce facem in continuare. Avem 21 de zile pentru a face apel”
21 July 2017
Decision in the case of Ilie Nastase
The ITF Internal Adjudication Panel today issued its decision in the case against Romanian Fed Cup Captain Ilie Nastase.
Mr Nastase was found guilty of breaching Articles a.ii.a, a.iii.a, a.iii.b, a.iv.c and a.v.b of the Fed Cup Welfare Policy under the 2017 ITF Fed Cup Regulations during the Fed Cup by BNP Paribas tie between Romania and Great Britain in Constanta in April. Specifically:
* Mr Nastase made a comment about Serena Williams’s unborn child
that was highly inappropriate and racially insensitive in breach of the Introduction to the Welfare Policy, and Article a.v.b;
* Mr Nastase made advances of a sexual nature towards Anne
Keothavong, the Captain of the Great Britain team, in breach of Article a.iv.c;
* Mr Nastase made abusive and threatening comments to a member of
the accredited press, in breach of Article a.iii.b;
* Mr Nastase made abusive and threatening comments to the match
officials and to members of the Great Britain team, refused to leave the court, and deliberately interfered with the opposing team in breach of Articles a.ii.a, a.iii.a, a.iii.b and a.v.b.
The ITF Internal Adjudication Panel imposed the following sanctions on Mr Nastase:
* Mr Nastase is suspended from acting in an official capacity
(including, but not limited to, team Captain) in all Official ITF Team Competitions included under Bye-Law 2.1(a) of the ITF Constitution, individual competitions included under Bye-Law 2.2(2), and Official ITF Tennis Circuits included under Bye-Law 2.2(3) from 23 April 2017 (the date on which he was provisionally suspended) until 31 December 2020.
* Mr Nastase shall be denied access to, and not granted
accreditation for, the competitions and circuits described above from 23 April 2017 until 31 December 2018. Grand Slam tournaments are not included within the sanction, as they lie outside the jurisdiction of the ITF.
* Mr Nastase is fined a sum of US$10,000.
Mr Nastase and the Romanian Tennis Federation each have 21 days to appeal the decision to an Independent Tribunal.
The ITF Internal Adjudication Panel consists of representatives of a committee whose members are appointed by the ITF Board of Directors. It is empowered to hear breaches of ITF regulations, including the Fed Cup Welfare Policy. The Fed Cup Welfare Policy can be viewed on page 73 of the
2017 ITF Fed Cup Regulations
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