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Software Localization

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Localizare software

Software localization is adapting software to operate in a foreign marketplace without compromising its functionality or effectiveness. I have developed a comprehensive software localization process that ensures quality and time effectiveness. I will first translate the text strings paying special attention to issues of cultural sensitivity. I will work closely with the client to create a database of terms specific to your company, in order to maintain the uniformity of the text. Proofreading and copy editing follows this process until all parties agree on the completion of the translation. At this point software engineers specific to your platform apply the translated material. It is then thoroughly tested for functionality.

I am experienced with every major operating system and hardware platform.

Full software localization range:

  • user interface

  • online documentation (help system, wizards, tutorials)

  • printed documentation (illustrations, DTP and prepress)

  • all supplementary materials (covers, registration cards, etc.)

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