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Most Used Offer for Internet Marketing

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Internet Marketing

Indexing of the site in search engines and directories
Creating or editing meta tags and title tags, Page layout structure changes and HTML code optimization. Create copy and templates for content-rich doorway pages. Integrate and link content-rich doorway pages into the main web site, Submission of the web site and doorway pages to the main search engines, Generate a complete report on the current standing of your web site’s directory ranking for primary keywords and keyword phrases

Monthly monitoring of ranking (rankings report), optimization and re-submission of any pages dropped from the search engine index, Development and submission of content-rich doorway pages for highly competitive keyword phrases, Monitoring of search engine business activities such as strategic alliances, joint ventures, new business models and how they may effect search engine positioning strategies.

I will submit the site to all the free search engines provided by the client, and other search engines, directories, free classified ads and ffa links. After every indexing, I will elaborate a submission report.

Mirror Sites
Creating and promotion of multiple mirror sites (websites with the same content, but different design) from where the visitors are redirected to the main website

MultiMedia Network
Inclusion of the website in all the websites of MultiMedia Network, one of the most complex integrated network of Internet resources for advertising

Email promotion and marketing
Extract a targeted list of email addresses, from MultiMedia Network and other resources, and promotion by e-mail of the portal. Creating a specific mailing list for online discussions, where to attract potential customers. Every message of every member of this mailing list will contain at the top or bottom of it, an advertising and links for the portal. It generate more web site traffic and increase your revenue, while, at the same time, delivering added value to your visitors by bringing them special offers and discounts on product and services of interest.

Mailing Lists
It will be created, developed and maintained a special mailing list for this website

Electronic magazine
Special design, included in a special section of the website and with free distribution by e-mail, with news, free classified ads, free and paid advertising, articles, projects, events and comments on the events. Original articles will be paid separately It will have a periodicity of once a month and will include advertising of the client  sites and other sites that he will provide with the target

Banner exchange
Commercial banner exchange are in the business of providing banner exchange and purchased exposure services. In an exchange, you provide a banner that advertises your site/product – For every showing of a banner on your site, these exchange services will display your banner on of their customer sites. The ratio usually is two to one. For every two showings on your site, your banner is displayed once somewhere on one of their other customer Web Sites.

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing enables you to increase online sales by promoting your products and services through a network of Affiliate sites on a payment-by-results basis. It also provides the opportunity to generate additional revenue by exploiting your site’s own content to promote the products and services of other online Merchants. Affiliate to the other’s programs for complementary products and services, to increase your revenue

Strategic Links
Through Strategic Links it can generate sustained traffic to web sites. I purchase and/or request free selective links on industry portals and specialty web sites that are dealing with subjects related to our customers’ products and services. The links act as permanent advertising on the host site and deliver sustained traffic to a web site for a long time. Over time a strategic link program will drive a large number of highly qualified visitors, who are already interested in your offerings, to your site. Having many links „pointing” to your site also helps in getting top-ranking positions in search engines that boost ranking of web sites that have a high „link popularity.” Strategic linking is a long term investment that will deliver traffic for years to come.

Articles and Press Release
Articles and Press Releases can be created for almost everything related to your company and it’s services. These can be published as well as added to the site. They not only serve to get announcements presented but add to the credibility and confidence people will have in the company and it’s products and services.
In the firs stage it will be used only free materials that it can be presented with authorization.

Advertising by free e-books is one of the most efficient way to attract visitors and potential customers to a site. The action is named in Internet marketing as „viral marketing” because of the exponential spreading of this product.

The CDs can be offered as a free award for the visitors that use the paid services or complete an online form/survey.

Standard Duration: 6 months


  • Listing on the most used search engines and directories

  • First page, if not the first three places, in the Google, Yahoo and Bing results for the keywords specific to your activity

  • Very good Google and Alexa rank

  • Creation of a brand name

  • Inclusion in the most reliable business environment, and attracting new customers and investors

  • Increasing your business income and opportunities

Standard Price: 500 USD per month

  • For every additional website to be included in the marketing campaign, the price will increase with

    • 200 USD – for the same topic/domain

    • 300 USD – for a different topic/domain

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