Book packaging is the activity consisting of a publishing house subcontracting part or all of the tasks of creating a book — such as writing, research, the editing work, and possibly the printing — to an external company, called an editorial packager. Once the book is produced, the editorial packager sells it to the final publishing house.
In this configuration, the editorial packager is the link between the publishing house and the writers, researchers, editors and printers who design and produce the book.
We can distinguish two situations:
- the packager designs and develops an entire editorial project which he will then sell to a publishing house,
- the publishing house contacts the packager to offer to carry out all or part of the editorial tasks.
This profession is more developed in Anglo-Saxon countries, where it is mainly used in the field of fiction aimed at children and adolescents.
(Includes texts from Wikipedia translated and adapted by Nicolae Sfetcu)
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