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Euro Millions

posted in: Lottery 0


Participating countries:

  •      founding countries of Euro Millions
  •      countries that joined in October 2004


Euro Millions (also EuroMillions, or Euromillions) is a transnational lottery proposed in nine European countries, making it the largest European lottery, the three-coin set is the euro, sterling and the Swiss franc.

The lottery is co-organized by ten gaming companies or their local subsidiaries.

Because of its size, the winnings are multiplied, compared to national lotteries, but also the chance of not winning. In its most recent version, a player has 93 out of 100 opportunities not to pay his ticket.


The game consists of choosing 5 numbers from 1 to 50 and 2 stars numbered 1 to 11, with two draws a week. Until May 10, 2011, there was 5 numbers between 1 and 50 and 2 stars numbered only 1 to 9, with a weekly circulation. Thus, the probability of winning has been reduced by 1 of 76 million to about 1 of 116 million. The player has the option to use the system Quickpick (or Flash in France) at the time of buying a ticket to participate at the retailer or the site of the national game operator; the numbers and stars are then randomly selected by the computer recording the bet.


The different probabilities related to the game played on each of the combinations is made up of 5 numbers in the grid A (containing 50 numbers) and 2 stars in the grid B (with 11 numbers).

Grid A (numbers from 1 to 50)

The probability of finding one of the 5 drawn numbers:

  • 5 good numbers has 1 chance from 2,118,760 or 0.000 047%
  • 4 good numbers has 1 chance from 9,417 or 0.011 %
  • 3 good numbers has 1 chance from 214 or 0.467 %
  • 2 good numbers has 1 chance from 14,93 or 6.70 %
  • 1 good number has 1 chance from 2.84 or 35.2 %
  • 0 good numbers has 1 chance from 1.73 or 57.7 %
Grid B (srars from 1 to 11)

The probability of finding two among the drawn stars:

  • 2 good stars has 1 chance from 55 or 1.82%
  • 1 good star has 1 chance from 3.06 or 32.73 %
  • 0 good stars has 1 chance from 1.53 or 65.45 %

The double grid system EuroMillions further reduces the chances of winning. The probability of finding the exact combination (front row only) is 1 in (50/5) x (11/2) or 1 chance in 116,531,800. The very low probability of finding the right combination, associated with the large number of countries and thus participating players, makes in fact from it the European gambling with the maximum highest payout amount (the “pot”).

However, the game also offers opportunities and gains similar to those of the usual bingo.


Since release of 10 May 2011

Rank Results found Probability 1 chance in Amount of lots
shared by winners rank
Average gain
1 5 numbers + 2 étoiles 0,000 000 858 % 116 531 800 32,0 % 37 290 176 €
+ 10 021 735 € of
Super Jackpot
2 5 numbers + 1 star 0,000 015 % 6 473 989 4,8 % 310 751 €
3 5 numbers + 0 stars 0,000 031 % 3 236 994 1,6 % 51 792 €
4 4 numbers + 2 stars 0,000 19 % 517 919 0,8 % 4 143 €
5 4 numbers + 1 star 0,003 5 % 28 773 0,7 % 201 €
6 4 numbers + 0 stars 0,007 % 14 387 0,7 % 101 €
7 3 numbers + 2 stars 0,008 5 % 11 771 0,5 % 59 €
8 2 numbers + 2 stars 0,12 % 821 2,3 % 19 €
9 3 nunumbers méros + 1 star 0,15 % 654 2,2 % 14 €
10 3 numbers + 0 stars 0,31 % 327 3,7 % 12 €
11 1 number + 2 stars 0,64 % 156 6,5 % 10 €
12 2 numbers + 1 star 2,19 % 46 17,6 % 8 €
13 2 numbers + 0 stars 4,38 % 23 18,0 % 4 €
0 numbers + 2 stars 1,05 % 95
1 number + 1 star 11,51 % 8,7
1 number + 0 stars 23,01 % 4,35
0 numbers + 1 star 18,87 % 5,3
0 numbers + 0 stars 37,74 % 2,65
Total Lost 92,19 % 1,1
Founds of Super jackpot 8,6 %  

In summary, a person will have 7.81% chance (or about one chance in three) to win a gain on each combination played for 2 € combination. In comparison, in the lottery, a player has 16.7% chance (about one in six chance) to win a gain on a simple combination.

In addition to the odds of winning the table above mentions the prizes shared by the winners of each rank (percent of total vested earnings, that is to say 50% of the total releases for the draw, plus any Super Jackpot consists of the previous draws on a date determined by the organizers of the game and announced at least six weeks before the super draw). This Super Jackpot is independent of accumulated items assigned to each rank on successive runs, as long as there is no winner in this order. Previously, in the eleventh draw without winning a given rank, prizes were awarded to the winners of the next row. This rule is no longer applicable as a result of the introduction of two additional stars. However, the pot can not exceed € 190 million. Once the amount is reached, prizes are awarded to the winners of next rank.

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