The Republic of Hungary is a unitary state divided into 19 counties. Act XXXIV of 1991 on the Organization of Gambling has been according its preamble adopted in the interest of defining the responsibilities related to the exercise of the gambling monopoly by the state, meeting the demand for organizing gambling activities, preventing gambling activities pursued without licence, and/or those in conflict with good morals, controlling gambling organization activities, as well as using a part of revenues derived from gambling activities for public purposes.
Any services involving gambling and betting activities from the territory of the Republic of Hungary through communication equipment and networks must be conducted under the provisions of the Act.
Any publication of announcement for soliciting participants for any game of chance through communications equipment and networks is subject to authorization by the Gambling Commission.
Gambling activities comprise according to the Act all games in which players become entitled to a cash prize or other prize of pecuniary value in return for paying cash or providing pecuniary value, in case definite conditions exist or occur. Winning or losing exclusively, or mostly, depends on luck. For the purposes of the Act (Section 1 Para 3), betting and the operation of money winning machines shall also qualify as gambling. The Act shall also apply, in cases regulated separately in the Act, to gambling machines and gift draws.
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