The gambling sector is a growing market, both land based and online. In 2011, the annual revenues generated by the gambling service sector, measured on the basis of Gross Gaming Revenues (GGR) (i.e. stakes less prizes but including bonuses), were estimated to be €84.9 billion (EU 27), with an average annual growth rate of 2.8%. Online gambling services accounted for annual revenues in excess of €9.3 billion, 10.9% of the overall gambling market. The average annual growth rate for online gambling services is 14.7%. In 2015 online gambling is estimated to generate annual revenues of €13.0 billion, 14.2% of the overall gambling market (H2 Gambling Capital).
Online gambling is not only developing at a rapid pace economically but also technologically. Gambling services are increasingly used and offered on mobile phones, tablet computers and IPTV. Furthermore, gambling operators are also using and relying on business-to-business services (B2B) and intermediaries, for managing gambling platforms, providing software, payment services, internet services or marketing.
The consistent growth of the market fuels the need for a comprehensive and technology neutral set of rules and measures at EU and national level. New technologies create new challenges and regulation needs to adapt to keep up the pace.
In 2010 the global gambling market (land-bases and online) generated GGR of €275 billion. With a GGR of €80 billion the EU had a market share of 29% of the world market. The total global internet gambling market (all products) was worth €23.28 billion. The EU online gambling market represented 45% of the world market share.
Worldwide online gambling profits (GGR) amounted to €16.39 billion in 2008. Approximately, €4.7 billion of this total comes from the 6.84 million European consumers who participate in online gambling (compared to 4.32 million consumers in Asia & Middle East and 4.21 million consumers in North America).
Asia is the fastest growing market. It is already bigger ten the European market and will most probably soon overtake the US as the biggest gambling market in the world. The US is currently debating and preparing the opening of the online gambling market.
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