Most web hosting services and personal installations on Unix/Linux systems are expected to host WordPress in joint configurations.
Server requirements
PHP version 5.2.4 or greater (recommended: PHP 5.4 or greater)
MySQL version 5.0 or greater (recommended: MySQL 5.5 or greater)
Recommended Configuration
We recommend Linux with a choice of Apache or Nginx as the most robust platforms for running WordPress, but all supportants PHP servers and MySQL can host WordPres sites. If your host does not meet the conditions above, including mod_rewrite (English), you should probably change to another host, for there are many to fulfill the conditions.
It is also essential that your host allows remote connections.
PHP 5.4 or Greater
MySQL 5.5 or Greater
The mod_rewrite Apache module
Websites hosting offers are becoming more common and when looking around it’s easy to find a web host that will meet the above required terms
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