This is a list of physical laws discovered by science.
Boyle’s Law (pressure and volume of ideal gas)
Charles & Gay-Lussac (gases expand equally with the same change of temperature)
Dulong-Petit law (specific heat capacity at constant volume)
- Einstein
Relativity E = mc2 (Energy = mass × speed of light2)
Laws of Kepler (planetary motion)
Beer-Lambert (light absorption)
Newton’s laws of motion (inertia, F = ma, action and reaction)
Law of heat conduction
- General law of gravitation (universal gravitation force)
- Coulomb’s law
- Ohm’s Law
Kirchhoff’s Laws (current and voltage laws)
Maxwell’s equations (electric and magnetic fields: in vacuum ·E = 0, ·B = 0, ×E = -∂B/∂t, ×B = c-2∂E/∂t)
Poiseuille’s law (voluminal laminar stationary flow of incompressible uniform viscous liquid through a cylindrical tube with the constant circular cross-section)
Radiation laws
Planck’s Law of Radiation (spectral density in a radiation of a blackbody)
Wien’s law (wavelength of the peak of the emission of a blackbody) λ0T = kw
Stefan-Boltzmann law (total radiation from a blackbody)
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