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Nature, in the broadest sense, is equivalent to the material world, physical universe, material universe, or simply the universe, Mother Nature in popular terms; surrounding world phenomena, organic and inorganic world.

“Nature” refers to all things and beings in the universe surrounding physical world, including vegetation, landforms, climate, the physical phenomena and life in general. The term does not include artificial objects created by man or made by any human action. Also, the nature is different from what we call spiritual or supernatural. In size, nature can exist from the subatomic to the galactic level.

The word originated in Latin natura.

With a variety of uses, today the word “nature” may refer generically to vegetable or animal, as well as how lifeless things interact causing physical or geological phenomena, or related matter and energy. It also refers to what we call wild (wild animals, rocks, forests, water and generally those things that have not been tampered with or without science of man (or that persists regardless of its action).

The totality of human actions that influence nature are contained in an anthropogenic factor.

Nature can be generally understood as consisting of: earth, life, ecosystem, wild beauty of nature, matter and energy, and even the nature beyond the Earth.


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