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Social networks: Edmodo


Edmodo is a platform to interact safely with people working in the field of education. It includes a bank of resources shared by teachers. The site allows schools to create a private communication network for sharing between teachers, parents and students. The site interface is in English, but the site user can choose to translate it into six languages by clicking the flags in the bottom right; French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek and German.

The user interface Edmodo has been described as similar to Facebook by its configuration and some of its applications.


The site was recognized in 2012 by Time Magazine as one of the best social networks for young people aged under 13 years. In 2012, he received the Webby Award in the category: Education & Mobility. In 2011, the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) has awarded the site and was recognized as one of the best websites for teaching and learning.

Pedagogical purpose and Utilities

Edmodo has a main educational aim: to transform the classroom in a community through the power of social media and web 2.0 application. It is based on the ability to learn anytime, anywhere. To do this, Edmodo provides teachers, students and parents a common space where they can contribute to the sharing of information, ideas and materials related on educational topics. In this sense, this social network creates a link between users and their environment. Also, Edmodo can be used to introduce students to technology and foster improved communication through written language. As with other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, Edmodo also has its application. If the classroom is equipped with digital tablet, there is a free application for Edmodo. This application also allows to share information and stay connected.

Useful for students

Edmodo is useful for several aspects. Students can check their school grades and a list of homework to do. They also have the opportunity to write messages to their teachers and groups they belong to, but not to their classmates directly. On the home page, a tool is available to help students manage their studies. There is a calendar where they can display dates rebates work, exams, upcoming events or other relevant information. The presentation of work can also be done directly on Edmodo. Teacher comments on these works are accessible to students. Part, somehow, of new technologies, Edmodo allows children to enjoy a new educational support. Indeed, many of them will probably find some motivation and curiosity through social network. The latter joined the interest of several young as it is on the internet.

Useful for teachers

In turn, teachers can use school notes and to-do home work lists from Edmodo. They are also able to create “quiz” to launch surveys and open discussion topics for their students. To motivate them in their academic success, teachers can even create award badges. Regarding the sharing of information, a search engine allows teachers to meet the users belonging to the same school as them. Thus, they can share tips, tricks and teaching tools with other members of virtually school teams. The social network can also be used in the classroom and projected on the interactive whiteboard. In this way, teachers can take advantage of technology to enhance their lessons and generate new interest in their students.


Edmodo was founded by Nicolas Borg and Jeff O’Hara in 2008, technology students working in separate schools in the Chicago area, like secure microblogging medium for students. In 2010, Edmodo launched communities of “subjects” and “publishers”, a digital media library, a help center, and “parent accounts” to communicate with teachers, other parents, and students.


Edmodo Blog is accessible from the site’s home page. You must click on the blog tab at the bottom left of the page to enter. To help teachers, students and parents navigate the blog, a list of categories is offered. With it, users can quickly find videos, special events, dates, educational practices, news articles on education, etc. In addition, teachers can share their history and practice in order to benefit everyone. There is also the feature tab that provides access to the most popular pages.

Help Center

Under the heading Help Center by clicking on “Edmodo in action”, it is possible to find several videos to understand how Edmodo can be used in classrooms. Visitors can choose between the tabs “Features”, “Subject area” and “Schools and district.”

In the “Features” tab, several videos are available to teachers to help them understand certain tools. For example, there are among others a video on “How to create a quiz” that allows the teacher to actually see the stages of completion of the quiz.

In the “Subject area” tab, the videos show what teachers can do with Edmodo in the different learning areas. For example, in mathematics, one can publish the resolutions of problems that can be completed at home. There is also create math quiz to assess students on a notion. When students have gotten a good answer, the teacher can use the “badge” tool to reward them. It is also publish computer games available online for the students to practice their math skills.

With respect to science, i is possible to publish video on a topic discussed in class to deepen it. Thereafter, teacher can ask a question to students to know the position of the students on the subject. Teacher can then compile the results in a table to compare the students’ responses. Thus, these resources can be used to supplement teaching.

In the last section entitled “Schools and district,” the videos are intended to show teachers how to use communication networks. Thus, they can easily communicate and share information with their community, that is to say, the teachers in their schools.

So the Help Center is a great way for teachers to discover the full potential of this social network to benefit student learning.


Before you can create an account, students must obtain a six-character code created by their teacher. This code corresponds to their class group only. Once the group code is created, students can visit the website and click on the “Student” tab. They must then enter the group code and proceed to registration. Thus, students can only share information with their classmates and their teacher. No other person not authorized by the teacher or the school can not share information with students. In addition, Edmodo is governed by copyright. This policy of Edmodo is used to block access to or remove material that it believes has been illegally copied and distributed by any of advertisers, affiliates, content providers, members or users. Thus, each user is legally responsible for what he says on his page.

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