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Areas of application of social networking services


Internal versus external networks

Internal professional social networks (IPSN) are those born in the organization (business, government, NGOs, etc.) to which is attached the employee. Freelancers and other professionals have naturally more limited such possibilities.

The IPSN is created in the early days of the integration of the employee in his job through the internal directory, the announcement of internal communication, integration identified in the organization chart, contact meetings, and projects. Every new contact, each employee is required to enhance these networks of contacts and especially the informal support networks that will help them advance in the organization (tutoring, mentoring). External networks are networks made outside of the professional organization.

There is a natural link between the two networks and the networking itself, and it can be meshed the internal network to the external network and vice versa. This mesh can be encouraged or not by his employer following the policy of implicit or explicit networks (open network: cosponsorship of jobs by employees or otherwise, in the case of sealed internal networks, computer security policy that prevents connection to external networks).

Since 2005 it has been a gradual collapse resistance to external interconnection, in view of new practices in professional networking whose influence enjoyed both networker and the company that employs them.

Online professional networking services

Professional social networks specialize in developing professional relationships online. As professional matchmaking platforms, they operate in an open system and promote professional meetings, business contacts. They also help develop partnerships, to find investors, to be known as professionals and to identify them. They put online offerings and post in profiles, and resumes, and allow the employer to find the right profile, the applicant to maximize his career using his contacts. It promotes growth and communication of the company. These online networking sites, parallel to the internal system of business networking, offered by major business, is booming. Given the exponential growth of professional networking, official agencies and large companies are developing strategic partnerships with professional matchmaking sites, and add multiple features related to the specificity of their activities.

Online services of former students

Among social networking sites, some propose to find the former classmates. The first such site was developed by an American company in 1995: Classmates.com was destined to meet and encourage encounters individuals from their promotions or school. Founded in 2004, Facebook started as a network for students at Harvard University before gradually open up.

Other sites, set up especially in Colleges and Universities, aimed at enabling “alumni” to stay connected to capitalize and develop to serve the professional development network. This networking is materialized by “the alumni directory”, organized by promotion.

Political and governmental institutions

Politicians, parties and official institutions quickly realized the value represented by the Internet, a growing media, and thriving among the younger generation. Dating sites and social policy platforms on the Internet has quickly multiplied to provide an opportunity for individuals to share their views and opinions on politics, constitute lobbying, position themselves on current issues and regulations bills being debated in the Assembly or Senate. Thus the various political parties, as well as the army, though very suspicious vis-à-vis the Internet, have developed platforms of opinions and political networking sites that allow meetings and exchanges of views, sometimes favor recruitment into the army, or to meet his family during his missions. In the campaign of American presidential elections, dating sites and Internet exchanges have been very busy in the campaign of the various candidates. This trend observed by political parties from other countries, has been emulated. Sites of political meetings are as participatory platforms.

Associations and NGOs

In the spirit of social networks, associations develop platforms for exchange and support for community projects and support or public awareness to certain causes.

Invitational networks

To be part of the following networks, you must be invited by one of its members. This ensures that at least each member has a relationship and allows the site to control its growth.

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