- RFC 882 Concepts and Facilities (Deprecated by RFC 1034)
- RFC 883 Domain Names: Implementation specification (Deprecated by RFC 1035)
- RFC 920 Specified original TLDs: .arpa, .com, .edu, .org, .gov, .mil and two-character country codes
- RFC 1032 Domain administrators guide
- RFC 1033 Domain administrators operations guide
- RFC 1034 Domain Names – Concepts and Facilities.
- RFC 1035 Domain Names – Implementation and Specification
- RFC 1101 DNS Encodings of Network Names and Other Types
- RFC 1123 Requirements for Internet Hosts — Application and Support
- RFC 1183 New DNS RR Definitions
- RFC 1706 DNS NSAP Resource Records
- RFC 1876 Location Information in the DNS (LOC)
- RFC 1886 DNS Extensions to support IP version 6
- RFC 1912 Common DNS Operational and Configuration Errors
- RFC 1995 Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS
- RFC 1996 A Mechanism for Prompt Notification of Zone Changes (DNS NOTIFY)
- RFC 2136 Dynamic Updates in the domain name system (DNS UPDATE)
- RFC 2181 Clarifications to the DNS Specification
- RFC 2182 Selection and Operation of Secondary DNS Servers
- RFC 2308 Negative Caching of DNS Queries (DNS NCACHE)
- RFC 2317 Classless IN-ADDR.ARPA delegation
- RFC 2671 Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS0)
- RFC 2672 Non-Terminal DNS Name Redirection (DNAME record)
- RFC 2782 A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)
- RFC 2845 Secret Key Transaction Authentication for DNS (TSIG)
- RFC 2874 DNS Extensions to Support IPv6 Address Aggregation and Renumbering
- RFC 3403 Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) (NAPTR records)
- RFC 3696 Application Techniques for Checking and Transformation of Names
- RFC 4398 Storing Certificates in the Domain Name System
- RFC 4408 Sender Policy Framework (SPF) (SPF records)
posted in: Domain Names
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