EU Translation Guide: Beware of false friends, jargon and abbreviations – Avoid or explain jargon


Jargon is vocabulary used by any group of insiders or specialists to communicate with each other, and is acceptable in documents which are only read by that group. However, outsiders (especially the general public) will have to work harder than … Read More

EU Translation Guide: Beware of false friends, jargon and abbreviations – Avoid false friends


False friends (or faux amis) are pairs of words in two languages that look similar but differ in meaning. In a multilingual environment like the European Commission, we often mix up our languages. Borrowing between French end English is common. … Read More



Twist is poker jargon for a round with specific rules which is sometimes used in the poker variant stud poker. One can replace any round of (or add a round to) a stud poker game with a twist round, in … Read More

Poker jargon – G


garbage The “muck”. A worthless hand. going south To sneak a portion of your chips from the table while the game is underway. Normally prohibited in public card rooms. grinder A player who earns a living by making small profits … Read More

Poker jargon – E


equity One’s mathematical expected value from the current deal, calculated by multiplying the amount of money in the pot by one’s probability of winning. For example, if the pot currently contains $100, and you estimate that you have a one … Read More