Henri Poincaré, Mathematics and logic


A few years ago, I had the opportunity to expose some ideas about the logic of the infinite; on the use of the infinite in Mathematics, on the use made of it since Cantor; I explained why I did not … Read More

A practical mathematics of optimal bluff, in poker as in real life


(Second part. First part here: https://www.telework.ro/en/poker-bluff/. Image: World Series of Poker celebrity poker tournament – Rio Casino, Las Vegas, https://www.flickr.com/photos/kalooz/3724732892) Neutral point of bluff Alice may decide to penalize a possible bluff (with a frequency α), and Bob may have decided … Read More

Martingale and mathematics – The miraculous methods for lotto


A martingale is intended to maximize the probability of winning but does not change the expected gains, which remains at the detriment of the player. Dubins and Savage Law Mathematically, Lester Dubins and Leonard Savage showed in 1956 that the … Read More