Most gambling games appeal to chance: pure gambling (lottery, roulette …) reasoned gambling practiced with cards like poker, or dice as backgammon.
In pure gambling, strategies that attempt to increase the chances are called martingales. People who engage in these games of chance and gambling can develop a strong dependence on them. This is called psychopathology (addiction), “pathological gambling” or “excessive play”.
In some countries, governments derive a significant portion of their gaming revenues held across the country: national lottery or lotto, urban mutuel betting, etc. United States wants to keep their residents to play on foreign-based sites. They were sentenced to the WTO and further strengthened their law in the name of morality. Then they have legislated so that the WTO rules no longer apply to online gambling.
Also, illegal gambling vary in relative importance in different countries.
Casinos and gambling halls host traditional games like roulette, ball game or slot machines. You can practice card games like baccarat or blackjack.
Pathological gambling is similar to addiction to alcohol and drugs. Through play, the person with a gambling problem maintains a set of behaviors that jeopardize their personal, family and work and that of his entourage.
Board games
This family is very large and there gives you all sorts of varieties of games: puzzle games, games of chance or pure reasoned games, net games, word games, knowledge games, etc.
Some games, became very important, bring together communities of players who devote almost exclusively.
This is for example the case for very classic games such as chess, bridge or scrabble. But this is also the case for newer games like simulation games, where the rules are intended to describe certain situations so thin and, in particular, role playing and war games, especially miniatures games.
Solitary games
Among the games that are practiced alone, we find all the puzzle like the Rubik’s Cube, the tangram puzzle or multi-pyramid. Some games require only paper and pencil as puzzles, crosswords or sudoku that typically are found in newspapers.
Card games that are practiced alone are called patience.
The puzzle is played in one principle, but it is not uncommon for several people quickly engage together in this fun game, and puzzle becomes a real game of cooperation.
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