Designing and installation of a website is a process that involves a few simple steps to start, but it is possible, on a successful website, to implement very important characteristics. A website can be a simple HTML page or thousands of pages offering animations, programmed in Java, PHP or other server language services, with forms processing assuming a JavaScript or AJAX. It may be based on a database technologies, eg MySQL.
Stages of creation
Depending on the type of site, context and resources available to implement some of these steps are optional or unnecessary. At each of these stages correspond expertises (ergonomics, information architecture, SEO, web writing, etc.).
- Project:
- Reflection on the purpose of the website, its target, its profitability, the financial means to hire
- Reflection on the desired autonomy and type of human resources for the update
- Reflection on the content: pages, expected services, principles of navigation
- Implementation:
- Buying a domain name
- Choosing a web host
- Choosing and installing a content management system (eg SPIP, Typo3 Drupal, Joomla Wiki, WordPress, … ), using a website WYSIWYG editor (eg Adobe Dreamweaver, phpDesigner, Microsoft FrontPage, NVU Nvu , WebSelf, iziSpot) or text editor (eg Bluefish, Emacs, Notepad+ + … ).
- Design:
- Establishment of HTML or XHTML pages.
- Definition of a tree
- Development of a graphic
- Development of an editorial charter .
- Development:
- Creating pages via the content management system or publisher. Pages can be created individually or based on a template system.
- Implementation of the graphic. To clearly separate the structure from presentation, CSS styles are used.
- Dynamic developments (forms, services, etc.).
- Follow-up:
- Recipe of site when ready
- Launch of site: online installation
- Advertisement. Promote the site by several mechanisms: advertisements, registration in directories …
- Maintenance (new content, patches, continuous quality improvement).
Site accessibility is a factor to be taken into account at each stage of the development of the structure of pages. It is the same SEO strategy which can be implemented at the design stage. Principles of SEO are also taken into account when creating templates, integration of pages, writing content, the site’s launch, maintenance. Ergonomics is also involved at all stages: design, recipe and audits, continuous improvement.
Constituents of pages
- Structure and content, HTML or XHTML
- Presentation with CSS
- Graphics by cutting and integration of GIF, JPG, PNG MNG images
- Behavior in Javascript which will be managed by the client-side browser
- Navigation and data exchange via the HTTP protocol and the use of web service or AJAX
- The animation in Flash or SVG, and more recently with some CSS3 attributes (not yet formalized, which may cause compatibility problems with older browsers, or significant differences between browsers graphic interpretation).
- The incorporation of multimedia .
The dynamism in the content management server will be realized with development languages such PHP, Java, ASP, … running a web server.
Translated and adapted from Wikipedia.
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