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Scrisoarea de intenţie

Scrisoarea de intentie este, de obicei, primul contact pe care il luati cu firma sau persoana beneficiara. Daca veti reusi sa ii convingeti ca ati depus efort incercand sa intelegeti de ce au ei nevoie, va imbunatatiti sansele de a fi angajat.

Acesta este un exemplu despre cum trebuie scrisa o scrisoare de intentie pentru a obtine un contract ca telelucrator. El se poate modela necesitatilor specifice ale fiecaruia.

Model 1

Adresa si modalitati de contactare


Adresa beneficiarului

Dear Sir/Madam (folositi numele persoanei, daca il cunoastetei)

I am submitting my resume in consideration for this position that you currently have advertised as (numele pozitiei). I would like to fulfil this position as a Private Contractor working from my fully equipped home office. I am accessible via telephone, email and facsimile. (Aici puteti include aplicatiile software de care dispuneti.)

(Aici explicati de ce doriti sa lucrati de la distanta, ca telelucrator, in cazul in care in oferta nu este solicitata in mod explicit o astfel de posibilitate) Working from my home office allows me to concentrate fully on the task at hand and produce high quality, professional results. In this capacity, I am also accessible beyond „ordinary” office hours in order to provide exceptional customer service and support. I also have the capability to connect to your system via modem as well as transfer files by email and ftp.

Hiring a private contractor, saves you expenses:

  • NO payroll taxes and benefits.

  • NO overhead for office space and/or equipment.

  • NO cost for pick-up and delivery of assignments.

I am available:(incepand de cand si pentru cat timp sunteti disponibil)

  • For short or long term assignments

  • On a project-needed basis

(Puteti specifica zilele si orele disponibile)

I look forward to discussing these benefits with you.

Respectfully yours,

Numele dvs.


Model 2

Scrisoarea dvs. trebuie sa includa toate posibilitatile de contactare, inclusiv ICQ, pager sau e-mail.


Adresa beneficiarului

Attention: Daca cunoasteti numele, scrieti-l aici.

Dear Sir or Madam:(folositi apelativul adecvat, si numele – daca il cunoasteti)

Please accept the attached resume in consideration for the position of (numele pozitiei) that you advertised in the (unde si cand a fost publicat sau afisat).

I would be very interested in fulfilling this position in a telecommuting capacity. This particular position is one well suited to my skills and I will provide the high level of customer service and professional support that you demand. I am accessible via telephone, email and facsimile.

(Evidentiati cateva beneficii ale TL, in functie de beneficiar. Folositi enumerarea si paragrafele. Fiti concis.)

  • Telecommuting reduces real estate expenses.

  • Studies have proven an employee’s productivity is increased in a telecommuting capacity.

(Este suficienta evidentierea a doua sau trei beneficii.).

(Daca ati mai lucrat inainte ca telelucrator, detaliati acest aspect aici. Includeti pozitia detinuta, numele beneficiarului, si ce anume ati facut.) I spent seven months working as a (pozitia) for (numele beneficiarului) in this capacity and was able to maintain a high level of customer service to both internal and external customers. I communicated with the branch staff and the brokers via telephone, email, facsimile and memorandums. I have proven that I am dependable, possess excellent organizational and time management skills.

I look forward to further discussion of the benefits that telecommuting can provide to you.

Respectfully yours,

Numele dvs.


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