Filename extension: .cbr, .cbz, .cbt, .cba, .cb7 (containers)
Internet media type: application/x-cbr
Type of format: Multimedia, archive file
Container for: Images
Standard: None
The comic book archive is a computer file format mainly adapted to comics as raster images encapsulated in an archive file. Different archive formats and images are managed by the format.
These images can be scanned or produced digitally.
Archive formats supported:
- .cbz: zip;
- .cbr RAR;
- .cb7: 7zip;
- .cba: ACE;
- .cbt: tarball.
The pages of the comic book or the book are illustrated with image in formats GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, etc.
Readers are generally suitable for bidirectional reading, from left to right for written comics in from left to right scripts (Latin, Cyrillic, Simplified Chinese, etc.), and from right to left for comics languages where writing is from right to left (traditional Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew or many scriptures of India).
Software reading the comic book format
- A Comic Viewer (Android)
- Comix, cbrpager, QComicBook, mudraw (from mupdf-tools) (Linux)
- cbrpager
- Sumatra PDF (Windows)
A simple archiving program may be sufficient to create a file in this format. The file will be more convenient to use if its extension is renamed (.rar in .cbr, .zip in .cbz, .7z in .cb7); the operating system will then automatically redirect to a suitable applications at the user’s choice.
Some e-book converters, such as Calibre, manage this format.
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