We are pleased to announce the emergence of a new reference volume for cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts and the field of cybercrime: ”Spațiul cibernetic între criminalitatea informatică și provocările epocii High Tech” (“Cyberspace between cybercrime and the challenges of the High-Tech era”), published at the Napoca Star Publishing House in 2024.
This volume was developed in collaboration with the Multicultural Business Institute, the National Platform “Romanian Values,” the Academy of Elites, Models and Values, and the Institute for Human and Community Development.
Supervised by Darius-Antoniu Ferenț (Coordinator of the Cyber Security and Defense Working Group) and Alida-Monica-Doriana Barbu, this volume brings together a team of authors passionate about the field of cyber defense, including Elena Onu, Nicolae Sfetcu, Alexia-Gabriela Szabo, Andreea Pop, Alexia Oprea and Oana-Melisa Țolea. The articles and analyses included cover a wide range of topics relevant to contemporary challenges in the digital space, including cyber espionage, the evolution of artificial intelligence and the analysis of international cyber risks.
The first article in the volume is a detailed presentation of GLSAC (the Cyber Security and Defense Working Group, part of the Romanian Reserve Officers Association), providing a deep look into the activities and contributions of this organization.
Key themes addressed in the volume include:
1). Chinese espionage in the contemporary era (Alida-Monica-Doriana Barbu);
2). The current security context and Moscow’s use of narratives regarding nuclear arsenals (Col. r. Elena Onu);
3). The revolution of artificial intelligence and its impact on global security (Lt. Col. r. Nicolae Sfetcu);
4). Romania and the challenges of cybercrime (Andreea Pop);
5). Trojan cyberattacks in Romania (Alexia Oprea);
6). Comparative perspectives between India and China on cyber defense and military capabilities (Alexia-Gabriela Szabo).
This volume is an essential guide for understanding the fast transformations in cyberspace and the challenges brought by modern technologies. We invite you to explore in detail how cybersecurity is becoming a crucial element in both national and global protection.
Our volume can be found at the “Lucian Blaga” Central University Library in Cluj-Napoca (European Studies Library) and at the “Carol I” Central University Library in Bucharest.
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