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Google: Dataset Search, a new search engine, for journalists and researchers

Google Dataset Search

Google has recently launched a new search engine, using a large system of public government databases, public sources, digital libraries, and personal websites, primarily aimed to help journalists and researchers in their work.

The new search engine, with the name ”Dataset Search”, will focuse on the analysis of public data using various features of the basic search engine.

Google explained that, in many cases, information about these datasets are not indexed by search engines. Google intends to create, this way, ”a data sharing ecosystem that will encourage data publishers to follow best practices for data storage and publication”, and to give scientists a tool to evaluate their work through citation of datasets.

Google had also launched a training program for journalists in India to identify misinformation, and had announced, at its last developer conference, Google News improvements.

In my opinion, it is far from being a good search engine, for the moment. But it is in beta version for the moment, so we can hope.

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