The modem town of Tumu Severin has a relatively new history, if it is to be compared to other Romanian towns.
It made its appearance on the map of our country and on that of the world following General Pavel Kiseleffs decree on the 22nd of April, 1833.
The town got its name from the majestic remains of the Severin Fortress which used to look down the Danube and surrounding region at some ancient times. It was erected following a pre-established plan, with wide streets falling perpendicularly onto the Danube or running parallel to it.
The town of Turnu Severin which is situated on the Danube and was engaged in commercial activities became one of the modern towns of Romania about the 1900s.
Because it was born on the 22nd of April, very close to the religious feast of St. George’s (April 23), the inhabitants of the town chose St. George as the patron saint of Turnu Severin-
Since 1990, the mayoralty of the municipal town of Turnu Severin has resumed the festival dedicated to the days of the town and its patron saint. They had been interrupted after the Second World War.
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