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Marketing strategy

posted in: Marketing 1


The marketing strategy aims to put the company in question in line with the implicit or explicit requirements of the market in which it operates. The foundations of the strategy are to discover and especially to influence the needs of potential customers and identify products and services. Political communication, advertising, promotion and organization of the sale of products is in turn the most visible part of marketing to the general public.

The marketing strategy is the process of analysis and reflection to equate supply and demand, which is part of the overall strategy of the company. This is a work essentially structured around long-term operational marketing and not around activities. It is a strategy deliberately turned over to economies of scale (for sale) rather than focusing on organizational synergies due to the segmentation of the levers analysis  (4P).

Operational marketing is the implementation on the ground of policy decisions taken at the level of the marketing strategy and results in the development of a marketing plan. The marketing department of a company should take into account a maximum of parameters on the relevant product or service market for sale, in order to develop a business strategy for the company.

As in organizations, decision-making in marketing does not always from the top down: the marketing strategy to operational marketing. It is conceivable that critical decisions can be made directly by so-called operatives, or that the strategy is established after receiving the results of operations.

The decisions of marketing strategy can also be taken following quantitative studies or qualitative studies.

Marketing guidelines in the company: Marketing direction in the company is divided into three phaases:

  1. Marketing which is the analysis of the current situation
  2. Market research consisting in the search for market information
  3. Mix marketing is the persuasion phase of the potential buyer.

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