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Mobile phones. Orange or LG Electronics: who fails?

On August 2010 I bought from Orange Romania SA a mobile phone, LG GT405. First video that I made was with deficiency, but I didn’t use the warranty to repair it.

After one year, the touch screen is blocked, so I went to the store from where I bought it asking to be repaired.  I mentioned both the problems with the touch screen and the video. The warranty is for 2 years.

I received back the mobile phone, with the mention that the touch screen was replaced. No mention about video. The quality of the videos remained the same. I sent it back asking to take a look at the video.

This time I have received back the mobile phone with the mention that the video camera was replaced. I tried it, and there was no change in the quality of the films. I sent it back.

This last time, I have received it back with the mention: “unconfirmed deficiency”. I made a last video with the mobile phone after I have received it, this one that I uploaded to YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-hLg2IysM0. The original file can be downloaded from http://www.sfetcu.com/MOV010.3gp.

As you can see the video, please help me to understand writing your opinion, if:

1. I am wrong, the image has a good/standard quality, and Orange has right with the mention that the deficiency is unconfirmed;

2. The image is with deficiency but this is the normal quality of the LG mobile phone videos, so it is not Orange’s fault;

3. The image is with deficiency and LG Electronics manufactures mobile phones with a better quality of the videos, but Orange didn’t respect my rights;

4. Other situation (please name it).

P.S. I notified both Orange and LG Electromics about this problem. Orange sent me an answer in which I am adviced to send them a request (I sent it three times!). I have no answer from LG Electronics yet.

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