Operation of computers and networks is composed of a series of events. An event is changing the state of a system or device. From information security point of view, these mood swings occur as a result of actions that are directed against targets. An example of an action is to enter a computer system. In this case, the action is authenticate, by the control program, the user access, under controlled identity of username and password.
We define thus:
- event, from the point of view of a computer or a computer network, as an action performed on the target system that is intended to change the system state;
- action, as a request for a user or program in order to obtain a result;
- target, as a logical entity of a network or computer system (user account, program or data) or a physical entity (PC network).
- Probe – an access of a target in order to determine its characteristics
- Scan – Sequential access to a set of targets to determine which of them has a specific feature
- Flood – accessing a target repeatedly in order to overload it and cause flooding during the inaccessibility service, service being held exclusively with responses to all requests in avalanche from the flood sender
- Authenticate – presenting one’s identity to a program and, if need, to check this identity, in order to get access to the target system
- Bypass – avoiding a process or program using an alternative method to access the target
- Spoof – action to forge the characteristics of a system or program to mimic another entity in the network
- Read – get the contents of a data medium
- Copy – reproduction without changing target
- Steal – taking possession of a target without keeping a copy in the original location
- Modify – change target content or characteristics
- Delete – removal or destruction of target capabilities
- Account – the user access to a computer or on a network, that is controlled according to records containing the name of the account, password and rights in this area.
- Process – a running program, consisting of program instructions, data that are processed by the program
- Data – representation of facts, concepts or instructions in a manner suitable for communication, interpretation or processing by humans or automatic. The data may be in the form of files in a computer memory, hard disk, or it may take the form of a transit data through a transmission medium.
- Component – one of the parts that form a computer or a network.
- Computer – a device that consists of one or more associated components, including a processing unit and peripherals, and is controlled by the programs stored internally.
- Network – an interconnected group of computers, switching equipment and interconnecting branches.
- Internetwork – a network of networks.
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